Sorokova M.G. presents a textbook "Mathematical methods in psycho-educational researches" - PsyJournals Live слушать онлайн на -
Sorokova M.G. presents a textbook "Mathematical methods in psycho-educational researches"
  • эпизод от 25 марта 2020
  • 214 прослушиваний

Sorokova M.G. presents a textbook "Mathematical methods in psycho-educational researches"

The textbook in a simple and comprehensible form introduces methods of ma-thematical statistics that are widely used to analyze empirical research data in psychology and pedagogy. It contains a set of case studies illustrating the SPSS statistical package described in the textbook. The material is presented in Russian and English to be used for training foreign students in applied mathematical statistics and for advanced training of psychologists and educators. The textbook is intended for undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate students and a wide range of researchers in the fi eld of psychology and education.

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